Gastro- intestinal issues, Constipation problem in Mumbai, India
Common Gastro-intestinal issues:
Gastro-intestinal issues or gastro issues or digestive issues are quite common. In our clinics we come across many patients who suffer from mild to moderate gastro symptoms on a chronic basis. The causes are many and lifestyle plays a big role. Long working hours, increased stress, erratic dietary habits and altered sleep cycle, have a major role to play. Our consultations for gastro issues include a very detailed history and clinical examination to understand the root cause of the problem.
Common, gastro or digestive issues are:
- Acidity, acid reflux, gastro-esophageal reflux disease, heartburn
- Bloating, belching, gaseousness, flatulence.
- Nausea, vomiting, lose motions
- Pain in abdomen
- Colitis, appendicitis
- Ulcer related problems
- Gall stone disease
- Hernia
- Constipation
- Piles, fissure, fistula
- Gastro issues
- Digestive issues
- Diet and nutrition
Cause of gastro/digestive issues:
The above listed issues can be overlapping symptoms of many gastro-intestinal diseases that can vary from mild to severe. If you are facing these issues, it is advisable to visit a doctor/gastro-enterologist/surgeon at the earliest. Many a times, the symptoms may resolve after a course of medications. However, if the symptoms persist and you are not responding to treatment, it is prudent to get further evaluation done to get to the root cause.
In addition to other routine investigations, following tests may be needed on case to case basis:
- Complete blood count
- Liver function test
- Sr Amylase and Lipase
- Urine and stool test
- Ultrasound of the abdomen
- Upper GI endoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Barium studies
- CT Scan of the abdomen
- 24 hours pH manometry
- Others
Treatment depends on the primary cause of the problem. Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor will guide you about the line of treatment. While some gastro issues can be managed with medications, some may need surgical intervention.
Alongwith medical/surgical treatment, lifestyle modification and a healthy diet also play a role in the management of gastro/digestive issues. Our team of dieticians lays special focus on the dietary management and guides patients about how to lead a healthier lifestyle.
FAQs for gastro-issues
What are the common signs and symptoms of gastro-intestinal issues?
Most common gastro issues are bloating, belching, gaseousness, diarrhea, pain in abdomen, acidity and related issues. These symptoms can be of multiple gastro-intestinal issues ranging from gastro-enteritis to gall stone disease to irritable bowel syndrome. A proper medical evaluation can lead us to the root cause of these issues.
Can diarrhea be a symptom of Covid 19?
Yes, some people can suffer from digestive symptoms like diarrhea after Covid 19 infection. Most people experience lose motions for 4 to 5 days. Usually these are self-limiting and settle down. Severe cases may need admission. However, this certainly does not mean that every person who has diarrhea or lose motion may be suffering from Covid 19. If you have such symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor and follow their advice.
What are the common gastro-intestinal problems?
Common gastro-intestinal problems are- Acute gastro-enteritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gall Stone Disease, Chronic Constipation, Acid Peptic Disease, Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Achalasia Cardia, Hernia, Piles, Fissure, Fistula in ano, Colitis, Appendicitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Rectal prolapse, Gastro-intestinal cancers, Pancreatitis and other pancreatic diseases.
How do you treat or fix gastro-intestinal disorders?
Treatment involves a thorough history taking and clinical evaluation. This is followed by investigations to pin point the root cause of the disease. Once a diagnosis is reached, appropriate treatment is started. Dietary modification is also an integral part of the treatment of digestive disorders.
Is an online consultation for gastro issues or digestive problems worth it?
Yes, it is worthwhile to have an online consultation for gastro issues or digestive problems. Although there is a limitation that the doctor may not be able to examine you, however today with help of video consultations and availability of advanced investigations a doctor may be able to help you quite a lot. Last year a lot of patients could not come to the hospital and ended up bearing pain and landed up with unnecessary complications. So, yes online consultations do make a lot of sense when in person consultation is not possible. As with everything else, nothing in medicine can be foolproof.