Colo-rectal Disorders (Colorectal Cancer Treatment)
Colon is a hollow tube that begins at the end of the small intestine ends at the anal canal. It is about 150 cm long and consists of cecum, appendix, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum and anal canal. Its main function is to make and store stools. The colon and the rectum are also prone to many diseases that range from inflammatory to cancer. However, the colon is amenable to examination and if diagnosed early, most of these problems have a good prognosis and good treatment outcomes.
If you are looking for colon cancer treatment in Mumbai, then you have come to the best place. On this page, we have provided all the information you need. You will find key information on different colorectal disorders, their symptoms and treatment options. We can also help you locate the best colorectal surgeon in Mumbai if you have recently been diagnosed with any of the below given colorectal disorders.